Tuesday 13 January 2009

His Majesty's First Post...

Greetings, Loyal Subjects!

This is my first post! Plus I've had a coupla cans, so after a lifetime of self-indulgent shite-talk my mind is a blank! Let's hear it for irony!

This here blog is one of those "has no specific aim or mandate" blogs! Yes, the digital equivalent of vanity publishing and the very kind that people start and never again post to!! However, despite my fickle nature, I promise to update this blog with riveting and interesting content every.......... ah fuck it, this is hard work already.

I will post general shite that I have either personally experienced or found interesting! That pretty much takes into account every sphere of human experience, so I didn't really narrow the field of what I'll go on (and you'll find that 'going on' is an apt description) about. Regardless, I think that you get the gist of what I'm saying - I basically going to be a blog-whore: posting anything and everything, from holiday snaps (which must be the Cardinal Sin of blogging), to how I just can't seem to form a coherent opinion on abortion, via my hatred of people confusing "they're", "their", and "there"!

So... that's about that! First post, over and out!

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