Wednesday 28 January 2009

On your Marx...

I'm just after reading a blog post over at The Cedar Lounge Revolution that says that an e-mail is doing the rounds attributing a quote to Karl Marx whereby he pretty much pulled a Nostradamus and predicted the current economic crisis. In fact, he kinda-sorta nails it. Down to the nationalisation of the banks. Except, according to them, he doesn't. Well, someone nails it, just not Marx. Always the bridesmaid with the predictions is our Karl.

However, what the author of that blog post doesn't realise is that it is a direct Marx quote from a unpublished text that even Marx himself at the time thought too - get a load of this for irony - revolutionary to publish. I have gained access to that text through my sources and can bring you excerpts from it.

The original 'leaked' quote in question is:

"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism." Karl Marx, 1867

This quote in itself is quite prescient from Marx. But wait, there's more:

"The road to communism will be long and arduous, however, and capitalism will prove a steely foe. As if to paraphrase the words of that guy from Independence Day, the bourgeoisie will cry, 'we will not go quietly into the night'. And the proletariat will answer, 'of course not, you will have your 'In Da Club' ringtones to break the deathly silence'."
- ibid

He continues:

"Against a backdrop of people dropping their house keys back through the Anglo Irish Bank's letterbox - or whatever alternative to letterbox technology comes up with by then - and yet more people wondering why on earth they signed a one-year contract with O2 for the new iPhone when their old Nokia worked just fine, one man will rise like a Red Lazarus from the Starbucks-coloured flames, shouting, 'now you fucks - see what you get for giving Varadkar my seat?'"
- ibid

And there you have it folks. Marx - pissing all over The Oracle at Delphi.

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